Great essay. I have visited New York many times and adore it. It's exhausting, frustrating, sometimes heartless but then there's always a moment when my heart bursts with love for NYC - no other place like it.

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The last (and only) time I was in NYC, it felt like the surface of the sun, and we were in rush hour. It was not my speed. But beneath that was a vague allure that started when we exited into New jersey, and has never really left. At work, we send 2 flights/day to LaGuardia. At least 1-2x a week, I think I should just jump on one and go hang out for a few days.

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I lived there for about a decade. When I first got there, I thought I'd never leave. There's a lot of good and bad about living in the city. I get it.

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I’ve totally had similar New York experiences recently—thinking it’s merely the sum of high rent and overstimulated escapism, but then finding these weird moments of calm that maybe feel so calm because they buffer the chaos hah.

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Ahh feel you on that. I love love Boston/MA, used to be a fan of NYC but ever since growing older have found it hard to maintain the level of energy required to function in the city but I'm sure there are pockets of the place that has great peace and tranquility <3

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